Category Archives: Political Issues

Trump’s Policies Have Brought Jobs & Prosperity. Democratic Socialism Won’t

“We can’t just drill our way out of the problem.” 
Former President Obama.

Yes, we can. And did. And as a result, America is now the largest crude oil producer in the world

Mr. “You didn’t build that” Obama operates on the socialistic assumption that the government has to fix every problem. But the government can’t fix every problem. That’s not its proper function.

The government’s primary role is to keep Americans safe by enforcing our Constitution and laws, defending us against foreign threats, keeping terrorist threats at bay. This is one reason why border security is so paramount. Nothing to do with xenophobia.

Government helps solve other societal issues mainly by getting out of the way and letting American ingenuity and problem solvers do their thing.

In my view, President Trump understands this much better than former President Obama. That’s why he has deregulated the system and helped passed major tax reform that encouraged businesses to expand as well as helps new businesses get started. He also opened pipeline production that Obama was preventing. The current GDP rise to over 4% growth, thousands of new jobs coming back to the US shores, and more bonuses in the pockets of American workers, has been the predictable result. Jobless claims are way down as millions of new jobs have been created.  Former President Obama claimed that Trump would have no “magic wand” to bring jobs back, but Trump didn’t need to use magic, he simply encouraged capitalistic, free-market principles.

Former President Obama claimed that Trump would have no “magic wand” to bring jobs back, but Trump didn’t need to use magic, he simply encouraged capitalistic, free-market principles.

Democratic socialism— the latest trend– ignores reality. Someone still has pay for all the “free” stuff. The billions needed can’t just come out of all the rich people’s pockets. It comes out of everyone’s pocket. But even then it’s not sustainable. An economy generating income through new jobs and innovation is the fuel of prosperity, not costly social programs that will depend on taxing everyone into oblivion. Democratic socialism is wrong for America:

“Democratic socialism runs counter to the principles of American exceptionalism. That’s why removing the unnecessary regulations, lowering tax rates for all Americans and shifting the country back from the fundamental transformation of the last eight years, is so important.”

With our new President implementing free-market policies, our economy has come roaring back. And this President has not been afraid to try a different approach to foreign policy issues than his predecessor. They all panicked when Trump met North Korea’s aggressive words with equally strong rhetoric. But it worked and North Korea met with the US for historic peace talks and seems to be following through on its commitments to move towards denuclearization. Time will tell. But the previous administration’s weak diplomacy did not accomplish this.

President Trump has also sought fairness and equity in our trade deals with other nations and boldly challenged NATO nations to pay their fair share for military defense. There is progress on these fronts as well.

If you get your news from CNN, MSNBC or other mainstream outlets all you hear about is the alleged Russian collusion that Trump used to steal the election, and how he supposedly sides with Putin over his intelligence agencies. This is a false narrative.

You hear that Trump is a racist, that he courts white supremacists because he secretly is one, that he hates Muslims and brown-skinned people, etc. None of this is accurate. It is part of the narrative that seeks to scapegoat Donald Trump for problems of racial tension that he did not create. Problems which in fact became much worse under Obama because Democrats tend to blame almost everything on hidden racism or misogyny.

Assuming that everyone who disagrees with you does so because they are racist or misogynistic is not only unreasonable but further divides. And it is not true. It’s simply part of the Democratic narrative.

In the upcoming midterm elections, I hope some will consider these thoughts. Are we on a good path economically that can be credited to policies enacted by the current administration? Is it sensible to believe that everyone who voted for Donald Trump did so because they are deplorable racists or xenophobic? Is there any evidence for this or is this just something the media and Democrats would like you to think because it gives them votes? Are white people and Christians really the enemy? Or should we be much more concerned about those who celebrate 9/11 as a good thing, and who want to rain down more 9/11s upon all our heads?

Democratic socialism is an unworkable fantasy that will not bring about utopia. People who voted for Trump are not in fact, the enemy. Yes, you’ll find some violent, unhinged extremists who hate others in any group, left or right. But most people simply want a better, safer, more prosperous country for themselves and their kids. The current administration has a path to get us there that is actually working. 

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Filed under Election 2018

Brief Analysis of Trump’s Decisive 2016 Election Win

2016-election-by-county-640x417Much has been made of Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote; as of November 27, she is reported to have won 64,863,855 votes to Trump’s 62,507,791 votes. Now because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, some argue that she is the rightful winner of the election. But of course, this is wrong- the election was always an electoral college contest, and everyone knew this going in.**

Yet some say Donald Trump’s win is made suspect or weakened by Hillary’s popular vote win.  And it seems some feel this justifies doing recounts in certain states– despite no evidence of voter tampering in those particular states and practically zero chance that these recounts will impact the election results.  The popular vote tally may be interesting, but ultimately it counts for little, because this was an electoral college contest won fair and square by Donald Trump, as even the Obama White House has confirmed. Yet perhaps a  cursory analysis of the popular vote is helpful to demonstrate that Donald Trump and Republicans actually won many significant “popular vote” contests.

First, Trump won the popular vote of 30 of 50 states, even flipping 5 states that in previous elections went to the Democratic candidate.

Second, Republicans captured the majority of the “popular vote” for the House on Election Day, collecting about 56.3 million votes while Democrats got about 53.2 million.

It is true however that Democrats out-tallied Republicans in the popular vote for Senate races– 45.2 million Americans cast a vote for a Democratic Senate candidate vs. 39.3 million Americans who voted for a Republican.

But again, if we look closely at the election results we observe that Donald Trump’s win is quite impressive.  Of 3,141 counties in the United States, Trump won 3,084 of them, while Clinton won only 57.

And interestingly, in “blue” New York State, Trump won 46 of 62 counties; Hillary won 16.

It has been reported that Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes. So in the 5 counties that encompass NYC (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond). These 5 counties alone can more than account for Clinton edging Trump in the popular vote of the entire country.

Think about it. These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

In a country encompassing almost 4 million square miles, it would be ludicrous to suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.  Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.

As for the Electoral College, which is what this and every election comes down to, Trump won decisively: 306 to 232 electoral votes, in other words, this means he won the “popular vote” contest of 30 of 50 states.

To summarize, Donald Trump’s victory is solid because he won the popular votes of a geographically diverse majority of states, as also did House Republicans. Moreover, the GOP maintained their majorities in both the Senate and the House. Republicans also have a historically large 31-18 majority of governors across the country.

What is the takeaway? People across America spoke decisively in this election, by their votes saying they prefer and desire Donald Trump’s new direction for the country, and overwhelmingly favor a Republican approach to governing.

**NOTE: Some statistics and wording contained in this article is taken from an anonymous Facebook post I came across. I am indebted to the writer of that post for inspiring this analysis.

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Filed under Election 2016

Judge Jeanine on Donald Trump Vs. Hillary Clinton


We Cannot Have a President Plagued by Scandal


Filed under Election 2016

Donald J. Trump- Man of the Hour for America’s Future

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump InterviewWe will elect a new President very soon!  Millions of people across America have already cast their votes in the 2016 Presidential Election, and millions more will be voting over the next few days, culminating with the closing of polls on the evening of Election Day, November 8th, 2016.  In every election cycle, the dramatic refrain is usually,

This is our most important and high-stakes election ever!  We MUST ensure that ____________ (fill in your candidate’s name) wins and _________ (fill in the name of the other “BOZO”) does not win.”  

Friends, while the end of the world may not immediately ensue upon a Donald Trump  or Hillary Clinton win, nevertheless we indeed face an election that is critical to our nation’s future.  Why?  Because the next president will either halt the momentum of the runaway Obama transformational train, or stop and reverse its momentum.  We’ve experienced eight long years of President Obama’s “transformation” of America.  What was he aiming to change this nation into?  Clearly, a socialist welfare state built on a progressive ideology.  And to a large degree, President Obama succeeded in moving the country further in this direction. But was this the legacy Americans really wanted?  

The Truly Terrible Legacy of Obama and Hillary

Increase in Racial and Social Tensions

I think when Americans elected Obama they were receptive to the idea of “hope and change” the candidate promised.  They were perhaps thinking the nation’s first black President would bring unity to a nation still dealing with racial tensions. And Barack Obama artfully promised his Administration would pursue a bipartisan approach to government, with legislative transparency.  But on these fronts the President has utterly failed to deliver, to such an extent that his promises must be seen now for what they were– nothing but insincere campaign rhetoric.   Instead of being the great unifier, the President consistently blamed Republican opposition to his policies as motivated by racism.  He was quick to insert himself into sensitive public cases involving race, not as an impartial observer, but deliberately taking sides before all the facts were in.  In doing so he encouraged the liberal narrative of rampant, systemic racism in America, which most Americans reject.  The point is the President had a wonderful opportunity to be a healing force– and squandered it.  Our first black Presidency could have symbolized an America ready to fulfill Martin Luther King’s dream of judging people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, but President Obama consistently brought the focus back to the color of people’s skin, constantly accusing hidden racial and social tensions as being the forces behind the actions of most Americans, including his colleagues in government.  This tactic certainly has had a negative impact on the state of race relations.  One cannot but help think that the riots and violence happening in cities across America in response to tragic deaths, would be less if the President would speak more responsibly to these matters.  But rather than cooling down racial flames, the President and his team of poor advisers (such as Al Sharpton) recklessly douse them with gasoline.  

In addition to  inflamed racial and social tension, the President leaves the country a terrible legacy on many other fronts, as outlined in this excellent article titled, Obama’s Real Legacy: Ten Ticking Time Bombs:

  1.  Another Iraq war. With the Friday the 13th Paris Attacks, it’s clear we are once again at war in the Middle East. And while some of the blame must go to George W.  Bush for needlessly toppling Saddam Hussein in 2003, a good share of the blame must accrue to Mr. Obama, for having mismanaged the withdrawal so badly that a kind of Neo-Mordor has been able to erupt from out of nowhere to seize vast stretches of the Arabian peninsula. Mr. Obama’s half-hearted aerial bombardment campaign against ISIS, which seems designed to run out the clock on a problem deemed insoluble, has acted as an invitation to the Orc armies of radical Islam to bring the battle to us — and has enticed Russia into filling the regional power vacuum. Public support for American boots on the ground is soft; but that could change with a single, Paris-style massacre on American soil. A Third Iraq War is no longer out of the question, and would be an ironic legacy for the 2009 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Prognosis: war.
  2.  A nuclear Iran. Supporters of Obama’s controversial Iran nuclear deal argue that it has bought us ten years — a decade for Israel to figure out how to defend itself against a nuclear-armed theocracy bent on its destruction. But that argument optimistically assumes the mullahs aren’t planning to cheat. Photographic evidence suggests they already are.  Prognosis (for Israel): poor.
  3.  A flat-lined “recovery.” Job growth remains so weak that our definition of what constitutes a “recovery” has been redefined downward. We’re generating a mere 230,000 new non-farm jobs a month — too few to achieve escape velocity. Although Democrats are celebrating the fall of headline unemployment below 5 percent, the real unemployment rate is closer to 10 percent. Labor-force participation is historically low. Real wage growth is stalled. The stock market is essentially flat. The Fed has held interest rates at zero percent for seven years now, flooding the economy with cheap money; and while it is teasing markets with hints of a rate hike, under current conditions that could easily kill off what “recovery” there is.  Prognosis: continued malaise, with a chance of recession.
  4.  Higher deficits. Even if the Fed holds off for now, the deficit, which is currently $439 billion, is expected to rise to $540 billion by 2020. When the Fed does pull the trigger, the deficit will shoot up because of higher borrowing costs and countercyclical welfare spending.  Everyone’s cost of borrowing for a home or automobile will go up, too. Prognosis: a run on aspirin.
  5.  Higher energy costs.  On its way out the door, the Obama EPA has finalized an ambitious trio of massive environmental regulations aimed at winning its war on coal, war on carbon, and war on ponds and ditches. If the costly new rules aren’t stopped, U.S. coal-fired power plants, and affordable energy prices, can be expected to undergo manmade extinction.  Prognosis: the chills.
  6.  Health care despair. Economists are predicting large increases in ObamaCare premiums and deductibles for 2016 and 2017. In a normal insurance market, premiums and deductibles move in opposite directions. That’s no longer the case under the ironically named, and still unpopular, Affordable Care Act. Meanwhile, enrollment in Obamacare seems to have leveled off and the exchanges show signs of having entered a death spiral. Twelve of 23 non-profit co-ops in the exchanges have gone belly up. This month UnitedHealthcare, the nation’s largest insurer, announced it has lost so much money on Obamacare, it will pull out of the program altogether unless it receives a multi-billion-dollar bailout. And then there’s the Cadillac Tax, a grand time bomb ticking away in the background and scheduled to go off in 2018. If not repealed or softened, its aftershocks will almost certainly level the employer-based system, from which half of the U.S. population currently gets its health insurance. Prognosis: a big Democratic push for single payer.
  7.  A “food stamp” nation.  Over the past decade, the food stamps program has nearly doubled in size from 26 million to 46 million recipients (one in seven Americans) and more than doubled in cost from $29 billion to $64 billion a year. When the next recession hits, these figures will swell to historic highs. Democrats oppose common-sense reforms.  Prognosis: more dependency.
  8.  Insolvent entitlements. Entitlement reform has gone nowhere under Mr. Obama, despite the fact that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare are among the fastest-growing sources of outlays. The various Social Security trust funds are all insolvent. The disability insurance trust fund is slated to go bankrupt by 2020; the hospital insurance fund, by 2030; and the big retirement fund, by 2034. Reforms are imperative. For example, SSDI enrollment has exploded over the past twenty years from 2.8 percent of the working-age population to 5.1 percent; lax rules have morphed the program into a form of unemployment insurance. For Democrats, the only entitlement “reforms” they’ll discuss are proposals to make the programs bigger and more redistributive. Prognosis: higher taxes.
  9. A needless crime wave.  The murder rate is going up again in a number of American cities, in the wake of the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore — racially charged tragedies that Mr. Obama has tried to exploit for partisan gain. Thousands of criminals are poised to hit the streets again, thanks to his end-of-term efforts to reduce the national prison population. Criminal aliens continue to enter the country under his porous-borders policies.  Prognosis: mayhem.
  10. Conscience wars.  The Left is following the inescapable logic of its fundamental rejection of human nature and common sense.  With Mr. Obama’s active support, our elites are now determined to make us all cooperate in same-sex “marriage,” to accept a radical redefinition of gender, and to pay for other people’s contraceptives and elective abortions. Freedom of speech, religious liberty, the rights of conscience, and even intelligible grammar and clear thought, must all be sacrificed to the gods of sexual liberation.  Prognosis: sustained unpleasantness, with a chance of civil unrest.

And what is our economic legacy?  An article by National Review titled Obama’s Pretty Words Cannot Beautify His Ugly Economy sums it up very well. On Obama’s watch, we’ve seen:

  • The number of Americans below poverty line go up 3.5 percent.
  • Real median household income  go down 2.3 percent.
  • Americans on Food Stamps increase from 33 million in 2008 to, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent.
  • Americans who own homes go down 5.6 percent.
  • National debt go up $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion and rising now: up 80.5 percent.

Amazingly it’s this failed legacy Hillary is proud of, is running on, and wants to continue as President.  But when we add to it her own contribution to Obama’s failed legacy–her disastrous foreign policy record as Secretary of State ( see Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Legacy: A More Unstable, Less Free World), the legacy becomes worse:

  • Since 2009, terrorism-related deaths have more than tripled; battle deaths from conflict have more than tripled; and refugees and internally displaced persons almost doubled to 60 million people.”  
  • Global freedom declined for the 10th consecutive year and that press freedom at its lowest point in 12 years. Of the world’s 7.3 billion people, only 40 percent live in freedom and only 13 percent enjoy a free press.”
  • Secretary Clinton stored more than 30,000 official government emails without permission, including some containing the nation’s most secretive information, in private unsecured servers at unsecured locations outside of U.S. government control during and after her time in office. Her action, among other things, possibly exposed U.S. state secrets and other sensitive information to skilled Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and North Korean espionage cyber-thieves that could be used to embarrass and/or blackmail U.S. government officials. It spurred FBI and State Department Inspector General investigations and congressional hearings which proved many of her statements about it wrong and caused the FBI Director to claim that Secretary Clinton and her colleagues “…were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information…”
  • This investigation is now re-opened with the discovery of another 650,000 emails on an unsecured device connected with Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin, Hillary’s friend and close personal assistant.  It is reported that Hillary may soon be indicted. Can we afford to elect a president likely to be indicted and who may be under impeachment proceedings?  Do we really want President Kaine?

Clearly the legacy of the Obama and Hillary Administration is not a strong one to run on. Still, the nation remains polarized about the best way forward.  One side apparently believes we’ve indeed been on the right track and that Obama was a wonderful President. They think his handling of the economy brought America out of a recession he inherited; that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), legalization of same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, the  Dreamer Act, restoration of diplomatic ties with Cuba, Paris climate change accord, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are all worthy, legacy-defining accomplishments.  Others look at these same things not as positive milestones, but as indications of bad ideology run amok. They see a lawless President who instead of working with Congress to pass laws  illegally worked around them,  using his “phone and pen” to issue policies often in opposition to the will of the majority of the American people.  They see the results of his policies as disastrous, both now and into the foreseeable future.  I fall into this latter camp.

And we are now faced with two incredibly unpopular candidates with historically astronomical unfavorable statistics.  Hillary is widely regarded as untrustworthy, out-of-touch with ordinary Americans, and an elitist; she doesn’t have her husband Bill’s charm or political skills.  On the other hand Donald is considered racist and misogynistic, a con- artist businessman only in this to promote his brand.  I believe much of the characterization of Donald Trump is blatantly false and manufactured by a biased media.  I recommend reading this article: Debunking The Most Common Lies And False Charges Against Trump.

Why “Never Trump”, No Vote and 3rd Party Arguments are Flawed

Some have argued that Donald J. Trump is such a terribly flawed nominee that even running against the failed record of Obama/Hillary, he is set to lose.  It should have been a slam dunk for Republicans, they say, but by selecting Trump as their nominee the GOP made a big tactical mistake.  They almost gleefully predict Trump will go down in flames taking with him not only conservatism, but also GOP majorities in the Senate and House.

Friends, something is wrong with this picture.  Why are so many Republicans, conservatives and Christian voters seemingly willing to just let Hillary take the White House?  So they can say they were right about Donald Trump?  Why did Republicans who made a public  pledge to support whomever the people chose as their nominee not keep their word and support Trump?

OK, I get that Trump can be crass and coarse, that he has been petty and even vindictive on the campaign trail, that he sometimes seems thin-skinned and egotistical.  Yes, I get all that.  But Mr. Trump is a flawed human being, just like President Obama, Hillary Clinton and all other politicians.

The refusal of many Republicans to get behind Trump, including several who even publicly pledged to do so, is a true slap in the face to millions of Americans who chose Trump as their nominee & representative. 

And the reason they did so, Mr. or Ms. Never Trump, was to send a message to establishment Republicans that refuse to heed or do the will of the people. You’re confirming them as right, because you’re not heeding their will again. You should not only be backing Trump, but should be out there helping him win the fight to prevent the most unethical, corrupt candidate we’ve ever had from winning.

Trump has conservative policies and has generated immense momentum and enthusiasm, getting millions of votes. He can win this thing, and usher in a new season of common sense policies that will reverse the mess of the last 8 years.  Yet folks would rather see Hillary win?  She’ll win indeed if enough folks stay home, write-in a candidate, or support a long shot alternative rather than support Trump.  

Think carefully– if Hillary wins, we may never get another chance to nominate a conservative leaning candidate who can actually win. The Obama transformation of society and the court will be too far gone, once corrupt Hillary grabs the reins.

Is taking a chance on a Hillary win and the ensuing damage less troubling to conscience than voting for someone who is pro-life and pro-religious liberty ? In my mind there is no equivalency. Trump stands accused of many things, mostly false. Hillary is guilty of many things, when the evidence is considered.

Therefore I hope eyes will be opened to recognize that a flawed Trump is infinitely superior to the evils of Hillary.

To read my argument against not voting at all, I direct you to my previous blog post, The 2016 Election- Voting is a Great Privilege that Should Not be Neglected

The Purpose of Government and a Brief Defense of Free-Market Principles

For me then, the decision about the next President comes back to this– what is the purpose of government anyway?  What is its chief function? From a Christian perspective, government’s function is to protect people by upholding laws that guard our rights that ultimately come from God and being made in His image.  Government then is to act on behalf of the good of all the people. But government is not the solution for every ill in society.  That is socialism.  Socialism gives government power to fix every problem– but the power invariably becomes concentrated in the hands of too few, and those with the power become corrupted by it, if they were not already corrupt to begin with.  Because that is human nature— one can talk about equality all day long, but human nature given unchecked power gravitates towards exploitation and greed.  The genius of the American system was to create three branches of government as a check to the corruption that comes through unlimited power.  

Now to an extent the American system has already become socialized– we are not totally free to choose to spend our money however we like because taxes demand that we fund certain initiatives we may or may not be in agreement with, including many entitlement programs.  Yet America has managed to hold onto free market principles which applied to societal ills can be very effective.  It may seem counterintuitive to apply capitalist solutions to societal problems, but the free market, which operates on the basis of innovation and making a better product than one’s competition to make a profit, actually fosters better and more creative solutions.  The challenge of beating the competition stirs creative innovations that benefit society, produce jobs and solve problems.

So this is a root principle for me– which of the candidates who is viable (meaning can actually win) promotes an approach to government in line with preserving individual liberty and marketplace innovation?  I see Donald Trump’s cutting of taxes and regulations as far superior to Hillary on that front.  Her approach unfairly castigates the rich and successful as guilty of not “paying their fair share”.  Yet in fact the wealthy usually are the ones benefiting others though entrepreneurial and job-creating efforts. Government doesn’t make jobs, the market does.

In any case why should those who do not work, create jobs or pay taxes be entitled to the fruit of the labor of those who are working hard for what they make? The socialistic mindset makes the rich and successful into the bad guys of society– they are not.  Greed is an equal opportunity sin– it is not the rich alone who obsess about material things.  So I find this a fundamental flaw in the Obama/Hillary approach to the economy and government– this idea that making a lot of money through business is somehow tainted. Is it not jealousy that is often driving this kind of envy of the rich?  So this haranguing of the rich is hypocritical as well.  

Protecting and Defending Religious Liberty/Abortion

It’s true that only Jesus Christ can bring forth the spiritual awakening we desperately need as a country. However we are under a human government not a heavenly kingdom at this time. Fortunately, we still have opportunity to influence the election.

We should therefore pray for and vote for those who at the very least will preserve freedom for believers to continue to live in accordance with faith & conscience. I believe a vote for Trump will help preserve that, but a vote for Hillary (or allowing her to win by not giving full support to the only candidate who can defeat her) is absolutely suicidal for believers and invites persecution. We should be under no illusion that electing Trump “saves” spiritually or even politically– but he simply is much better– in terms of policies– for the country.

Paul said, “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:1-5)”

If we can no longer share the gospel or live it openly, we are hindered from our mission as believers. So we must pray to elect the right leaders– leaders who will at minimum preserve freedom for us to openly live out our faith and preach the gospel. Such a climate of freedom– which we have been blessed to enjoy in America for so long but is rapidly eroding– is beneficial not just to believers, but for all.

I was a supporter of both Cruz and Rubio before I eventually came to support Donald Trump. But Donald Trump got more votes than either of them by far, and handily won the primaries with historic numbers to become the GOP nominee. It is but speculation to assert that Cruz or Rubio would have beat Hillary. Neither got the numbers to even beat Trump, never mind Hillary. In any case, it’s a moot point. Donald Trump IS the nominee, and he is up against the most unethical, deceitful, criminal person to ever run for President. Due to corruption at the highest levels, the effective deceit of a biased media, and millions turning a blind eye to her evil deeds, Hillary is somehow still in the running.

The very least one can and ought to do, if one recognizes how evil and destructive she and her agenda will be, is to cast an effective vote to prevent her from winning. This means, in my view, voting for Trump. He may not stop the holocaust of abortion. He may even be pandering. But I find him more believable than Hillary, and think he’s sincere on issues like abortion and religious liberty.

Trump showed wisdom and judgment in selecting Pence, and the choice of Pence I think indicates his commitment to working on a conservative agenda, including protecting religious liberty, appointing conservative & constitutional-protecting Supreme Court justices, and advocating for pro-life and traditional family values.  Again I understand Trump is an imperfect candidate.  I don’t condone many things he’s said or done, but the media characterization of him as racist, misogynistic and a user in this only for himself doesn’t jive with his actual record. I think he moved from being a somewhat liberal Democrat in the past to being pro-life and more conservative. He’ll probably govern as a moderate. His positions on most issues are certainly better and more conservative than Hillary’s, that’s for sure. And I think it is absolutely imperative that Hillary not win so that we can change the terrible course we’ve been on these last eight years. I really do not think she is ethically fit to run and she disqualified herself by her reckless and illegal handling of classified information, among other things.

But I  think she is to be believed when she says she’ll fight for Planned Parenthood and for the so-called right to choose abortion, as her record fully backs that up. I cannot in good conscience cast a vote that would allow this evil woman to win. I respect that others may not reach the same conclusion, but I do plead with my readers to join me in stopping her. With Trump we have someone on the correct side of most issues; with Hillary there is a godless agenda that perpetuates the current downward trajectory, and it will be very difficult to recover if we get bad Supreme Court justices and laws.

I’d rather gamble on Trump not totally fulfilling his conservative promises than Hillary fulfilling her progressive promises.


Hillary Clinton on Abortion: “The Unborn Person Doesn’t Have Constitutional Rights”

10 Times Hillary Clinton Revealed How Extreme She is on Abortion

Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton: I Want to “Go Further” Left Than Obama

Hillary Clinton Is a Dangerous Choice for Voters Against Abortion


Christian Discrimination & the So-Called Christian “Majority”

Christian businesses are being forced by law to provide services for a gay wedding ceremony, against its will. In the past, Christians were granted exemptions according to conscience. Now, the state tells you that your Christian conscience, by definition, is discriminatory, because it does not agree with the official opinion on gay marriage.This has happened in case after case. A Christian florist grandmother, for example, beloved by her customers, including many repeat homosexual clients, was sued when she declined a request to perform services for a wedding. She declined with no animus but solely because of her Christian belief that marriage is divinely designed to be between a man and a woman. She had no bad feeling towards gays and was not discriminating against them in her business, having had this gay customer as a happy and satisfied client for years. However, he and his partner would not respect her belief or her decision, but rather joined the state in suing her. They sought not only that she be forced in the future to go against her conscience in this matter, but also that she be “re-educated” to understand that her conscience could not possibly be right, that she was acting like a bigot. As in all these cases, there were personal threats issued against her and her business; she was fined, dragged into court, lost the case and eventually forced out of business. Christian majority or no, Christian businesses are being coerced to violate their conscience and biblical principles because the state has determined that their principles are no longer valid. This is tyrannical and wrong. It is also rampant.

Hillary Clinton’s ideology totally approves of the state’s actions. She is on record stating that where Christian conviction clashes with the so-called right to choose abortion (there is no such “right”by the way– it is self-evident that the baby growing in the womb is a separate life and person with its own rights), that the Christian must abandon his or her belief, and simply bow to the states will. Again, statistically many call themselves Christian and they may even be the majority but this doesn’t matter to Hillary. In Hillary’s book, your Christian conviction must “change” to adapt to the new state-issued morality. So there are inevitable applications flowing from her ideology. Abortion is euphemistically celebrated as a woman’s reproductive health choice, it is supposed to be a marvelous and noble thing that one makes the “difficult” decision to abort. Well does the one being aborted have any say in the matter? Who gave us the right to decide that some lives are inconvenient and we may terminate them at will? If Christians are indeed the majority it seems to have little influence in this matter, for the holocaust of unborn children is carrying on with no end in sight. Hillary’s dedication to abortion is fanatical, as shown by her championing of even barbaric partial birth abortion under the pretense that it’s saving mother’s life/health. Abortion is primarily performed for convenience — there is very rarely a threat to the life of the mother involved. In any case, the point is that Hillary and others who agree with her impose their beliefs on Christians in these matters, and will tolerate no dissent. Christian convictions on these matters, which were indeed once the majority, are now seen as outmoded and immoral, therefore outlawed. The criminalization of religiously based beliefs will certainly continue if Hillary Clinton becomes President. May God mercifully not allow it.


The Corruption of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton recently said at her rally, “I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support Donald Trump.” But Hillary, who not long ago called Trump’s followers “deplorable” and “irredeemable”– had  Democratic operatives secretly inciting violence at Trump rallies; regularly promotes poisonous narratives that stoke racial, gender, and class tensions– tensions her party then exploits for votes.  It is pure hypocrisy for such a person to lecture others about their “negative, dark, divisive and dangerous vision and behavior”.

The “Wikileaks” emails simply confirm what most already have known or suspected: that Hillary Clinton and her cronies are corrupt  to the core.  “The questionable relationship between the Clinton Foundation and its donors, Clinton’s ease with powerful interests on Wall Street, her ties to wealthy campaign contributors”, her mishandling of classified emails and the internal cover ups are all being exposed for the world to see.  

Hillary’s pattern of corruption is nothing new.  It is decades in the making, and has been documented in countless articles, news reports, exposes, books and even documentaries. Here is a brief and partial list of Hillary’s corruptions and failures:

  • Flunked the D.C. Bar Exam.
  •  Was removed from her House Judiciary Committee staffer job because of incompetence and lying.
  • The Whitewater scandal.
  • Married a serial liar and cheater, who occasionally had sexual encounters with nonconsenting partners.
  • Lied about “sniper fire” in an attempt to simulate exposure to danger in a war zone.
  • The subject of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” that led to the impeachment and disbarment of her husband
  • Took crockery, furniture, artwork and other items from the White House — had to return and/or pay for them.
  • Said “what difference, at this point, does it make” about four brave people killed in Libya as a direct result of her failure to protect them on the anniversary of 9/11.
  • Totally ignored the structure and rules for the handling of sensitive national security information.
  • Amassed a personal fortune with “speaking fees” and payments from private sector political donors and foreign governments into transparent “foundations” in obvious exchange for future political favor.

The most recent scandals concerning the Clinton Foundation and “Email-gate” have been extremely damaging to Clinton’s run for the Presidency.  In response to them she has employed the strategy the Clintons have perfected– deflect, make excuses, lie, discredit the attackers– but people have wised up.  Even a long-time supporters like Doug Schoen has withdrawn support of Clinton due to the corruption.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans are in agreement with is assessment.  So it is that Americans Have a Chance to Dethrone the House of Clinton, and we must.  

A woman with Hillary’s consistent pattern of dishonesty, and her pathological lying, cannot be trusted, and ought not to be rewarded for her lies and cover-ups with being the Presidency of the greatest country in the world, the United States of America.

More resources on reasons to vote against Hillary, and her corruption

The lie that is Hillary

44 Reasons to NOT Elect Hillary Clinton

200 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President

The Clinton Foundation Reeks of Crooks, Thieves, and Hoods  

30 Reasons Not to Vote for Hillary

Grifters-in-Chief  The Clintons don’t draw lines between their ‘charity’ and personal enrichment.

Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

America’s Abandonment of Traditional Values Has Hurt the Black Community

FBI Re-Opens Investigation Into Hillary Clinton’s Emails

If The Media Investigated Hillary Like They Did Watergate, We Wouldn’t Need WikiLeaks

Navy Seal Confronts Hillary Clinton – ‘You Are An Ignorant Liar’

Prof. John Banzhaf: Yes, the Election Can Be Rigged


The Positive Case for Donald Trump

I want to close out this article by making a brief positive case for Trump.  My argument up to this point can be summarized as follows:

  1. Obama & Hillary left behind a terrible legacy on the economy and on foreign policy
  2. Their progressive socialistic ideology is harmful and does not produce freedom or good solutions to the problems America faces.
  3. Trump’s policies promote liberty & free market principles which generate jobs and innovative, effective solutions to problems
  4. Trump is a decent man and not at all the evil caricature he’s been unfairly and falsely portrayed as in the media. His choice of running mate evangelical and conservative Mike Pence is evidence of his conservative commitments.
  5. Hillary’s corruption is longstanding and well-documented, and reveals her unfitness for the office of the Presidency.  

Donald Trump is a hard-working businessman who took over an already successful real estate business from his father and built it into a great multi-billion dollar international company.  Along the way Mr. Trump has created thousands of jobs, creating new opportunities for many; he’s employed people of many races and nationalities, and has enjoyed positive relationships with people of color and with women.  He is known as a man of quiet charity and compassion who has given money privately over the years to help various people in need.  Yes, he does have a reputation as a playboy and ladies’ man, and has been guilty of crude language.  This behavior is not to be excused, but he has apologized for it.  I also don’t think that it disqualifies him from being a good President.  If he was seeking to be pastor of a church such things would give pause, but he is not.  While I do think character is important, and Trump does display flaws, I also think he has surrounded himself with good people, folks who would help him keep some of his less desirable tendencies in check.

Donald Trump may not have the long track record of conservative credentials many were desiring in a GOP candidate, but the contract he has presented to Americans and pledged to fulfill is one that is both very conservative and ambitious.  He is the only candidate regularly addressing conservative issues like religious liberty, abortion and appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court.  As Newt Gingrich writes,

Trump’s Contract with the Voter is a list of specific commitments for what he will do if elected. It tells the American people exactly what they’ll be getting, and it invites us to hold him accountable.

The Trump Contract is the boldest reform agenda, and in some ways the most conservative agenda, I can remember from a nominee for president. It includes a Constitutional amendment to put term limits on members of Congress, a hiring freeze on non-essential federal employees, and a host of new ethics rules to stop senior officials from profiting off their positions.

It includes a very pro-growth economic agenda, with historic tax cuts, reduction of regulation and government reform. The Contract would renegotiate trade deals where partners are breaking the rules or where the deals were poorly negotiated. It would secure the border, start enforcing our immigration laws, end the defense sequester and reinvest in the military, and guarantee school choice as a right for every child in America.

That would be a historic list of achievements equal to any Republican president in my lifetime. It is hard to believe any Republican or conservative would consider supporting Hillary Clinton over a candidate who has committed to such an agenda. If they do, it is hard not to wonder if the reasons are personal rather than political.

Trump vs. Clinton-Presidential Ambitions Contrasted

Mr. Trump seems to me to have a very different reason for pursuing the Presidency than Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton comes across as someone of such unbridled ambition that she will say anything to get elected, including spouting deceitful attacks against her opponents. She seems to view the Presidency as a prize she somehow deserves at the end of a career in public service.  But I believe Mr. Trump when he says he was already successful and did not need to run for President, and that he is running to help the country he loves, which he sees going in a very wrong direction.  

Mr. Trump’s  plain speech, lack of political correctness and tell-it-like it-is manner are refreshing in a climate where politicians seem to always hedge words and never say what they really mean.  Donald Trump must be doing something right to have so many in Washington deeply troubled and threatened by him.  As he says, he is coming to Washington to “drain the swamp”– to fight against the cronyism and corruption that has taken over government and made it ineffective and corrupt.  He stands in stark contrast to Hillary Clinton, the consummate rehearsed, insider politician who is as status quo as they come, being funded by powerful special interests.  Trump, though wealthy, really does some like an everyman who ordinary Americans can relate to, both in his manner of speech and in the issues that drive him.  Americans are fed up with Washington elites that talk down to them, don’t represent them, and give them lip service in exchange for votes but then defy their will and do as they please.  Donald Trump seems to be listening to the people and asking for, not demanding, their votes.  He works hard for every vote, doing 2 or 3 rallies per day. For example, he simply and directly appealed to African-Americans for their support, and many have now turned to him.  Whereas Hillary seemingly has taken the African-American voters for granted.  She expected perhaps, a coronation from America, but could barely beat Bernie Sanders (and apparently much backroom wheeling and dealing accomplished that victory). 

Trump is just a man– he won’t heal our spiritual disease (for which the only remedy is a relationship with Christ) but his election will help change the political and governmental direction of this country for the better.

 Donald Trump seems to be the man for the hour– an outsider who will bring change, “drain the swamp” and hopefully, “make America great again.”

Friends, this long article could have (probably should have) been divided up into a bunch of shorter articles.  But I hope that you may find all the resources collected here helpful as it gathers a lot of different arguments for Trump and against Hillary in one convenient place.  Please circulate this article as a resource to send your loved ones, friends and foes, that they may do their own research and make a wise and good choice in November 8th.


Closing Argument: Vote Trump (Newt Gingrich)

Why Donald Trump is still the safer choice Hillary Clinton will finish transforming America into a socialist welfare state  

Why I’m (still) betting big on Donald Trump to win  

Why I Now Feel Compelled To Vote For Trump

The Conservative Case for Trump

This Election Isn’t about Trump

20 Reasons Why It Should Be Donald Trump in 2016

Why I support Trump — and resent the elites trying to destroy him

Peter Thiel: What Trump Represents Isn’t Crazy And It’s Not Going Away

Ann Coulter: My Final Argument for Trump: Humiliate the Media!

Debunking The Most Common Lies And False Charges Against Trump


If You Don’t Like Either Candidate, Then Vote for Trump’s Policies

Conservative Christians, Be Assured That President Hillary Clinton Will Declare War On You

To Those Christians (and Others) Who Can’t Vote for Trump or Clinton

Trento: Three Reasons Why Christians Must Vote

Eric Metaxas: Why Christians Should Vote for Donald Trump

Trump or Hillary? How Can a Christian Vote? Remembering Where We Live (Fred G. Zaspel)

Should Christians Vote for Trump? Eric Metaxas in WSJ

If You’re On the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is At Stake

After much prayer and soul-searching, I have reluctantly decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket. 

John MacArthur video: On voting for Trump 


Filed under Election 2016

The 2016 Election- Voting is a Great Privilege that Should Not be Neglected


My friend Scott Lenke posted a video this morning that prompts this post.

As a Christian, I know Jesus and His gospel are preeminent (or should be). Scott reminds us that God is totally sovereign over this world.  God fully presides over the outcome of this 2016 Presidential election.  He will bring His plans to pass, no matter who wins.  But what is the believer’s responsibility in this world ?

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Our primary calling as believers involves the task of teaching and modeling the gospel, which Scripture calls the power of God. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16).  

Paul instructs believers in 1 Timothy 2: 1-7:

I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. 7 For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

If the gospel is preeminent and our mission to proclaim it, it makes sense to pray that God would allow us to have leaders who will not put obstacles in the way of living out our faith, who will not remove our current freedom to preach and worship, but who will respect, maintain and encourage this freedom.

We will come back to this point in our conclusion.

Scott in his video speaks of various voting options people are facing in the upcoming Presidential election, but I feel he does little justice to the strength of a conservative argument for Trump and against Hillary.  Scott says he thinks Trump is worse than Hillary. Scott also unfortunately repeats unproven sexual allegations about Trump.  And as for the charge that Trump made fun of a disabled reporter, which has been widely disseminated and Scott also repeats, there is very clear evidence that he did not do so. 

But all this isn’t Scott’s main point.  The purpose of the video is mainly to affirm that “it’s OK” not to vote, though Scott doesn’t provide an explicit argument as to why he thinks so. Now of course, since every individual has freedom to vote or not vote, then

technically, not voting is an option.  However it is, in my view, a really bad and shortsighted option in light of the momentous election we now face.

For all the grief theologian Wayne Grudem got for his article that voting for Trump is an ethical choice (which later he temporarily wavered on), I think his ultimate conclusion –that Donald Trump is a superior candidate to Hillary Clinton– is both logical and persuasive.  His argues that Trump holds better positions on all the critical issues our nation faces: national security, borders and immigration, ISIS & terrorism, healthcare, the Supreme Court, abortion, religious liberty, Christian business owners, Christian schools and colleges, executive orders and bathrooms, churches, freedom of speech, taxes and jobs and economic growth. Hillary is not only worse on each of these important issues but would use her Presidential influence to criminalize dissent, since her intention is to install Supreme Court justices that will permanently enshrine the progressive agenda –an agenda which tolerates no dissension, as recent history shows.

So here’s where we are so far. First, God is sovereign over everything that happens; second, believers have a mission to spread the gospel; third, we should therefore ask God to provide leaders who will preserve this freedom and let us live “quiet and peaceful lives”. Together with this, there are some other pertinent facts we can consider voting in this election:

The election will certainly be won by either Donald Trump or by Hillary Clinton. True, polls are not necessarily to be believed wholesale, but it is obvious that only these 2 major candidates have any hope of securing the election in terms of number of votes and the electoral college. So don’t kid yourself, a non-vote or 3rd party vote are pretty much meaningless gestures in terms of the practical outcome.  Yes, this is a utilitarian argument. That doesn’t mean it’s immoral. Because what I’m being utilitarian about is people’s welfare– of these two candidates, only one will win– so which has the policies that achieve the most good and do the least harm? 

A vote that does not go to Trump helps Hillary, or vice-versa.  Since only Trump or Clinton can win, and by all indications this is going to be very tight contest, then non-votes or votes for 3rd party alternatives instead of Trump risk a Hillary win.  Every vote is essential, and even more so, in view of the reality of voter fraud.

The fear factor  Scott speaks negatively about the “fear” being used to prompt voters in this election season, and seems to single out the Trump camp especially for this.  The fact is both camps are employing the “fear” line.   But fear is not always a bad motivator anyway (Jesus Himself used it).  A particular fear argument is only as valid as the facts supporting it.  Those who favor policies that promote traditional, conservative values, as opposed to Hillary’s extreme progressive agenda, should in fact be deeply alarmed by what has been happening in our country now, and what is bound to continue under a Clinton Presidency.  

Conservatives will get another chance?  One should not gamble on the notion that after a Hillary victory conservatives can somewhere down the line recoup and mount a recovery in 2020 or beyond.  The damage already done through 8 years of Obama will be extended, while the courts under Hillary may become tilted in such a way that conservatism may not be able to rise again.  

The Establishment GOP is not supporting Trump, though it should have. GOP leaders normally pledge to support whomever the people of America nominate as their representative, but many chose to not honor their commitment.  This is outrageous– the reason so many Americans voted for Trump in the first place is they feel the Washington GOP are already not doing their job and get outmaneuvered by President Obama at every turn.  They want change, not more of the same.  

So by refusing to support Trump, the Establishment proves the contention that current leadership care more about preserving its own power/agenda than executing the will of the people they supposedly were elected to execute.  

Ostensibly, some were triggered by Trump’s secretly taped words 11 years ago and many unproven and false sexual allegations, to drop their support.  They apparently find these accusations more consequential than Hillary’s track record of lies and proven corruption, which includes selling influence and political access to the highest bidder, willful destruction of government emails, obstruction of justice, etc. But I think the Establishment folks were simply looking for a convenient way to abandon Trump and found a plausible excuse with the well-timed release of these lurid tapes.  They secretly align better with Hillary’s global agenda than Trump’s “America-first” policies anyway. Perhaps then this is the real reason for their non-support.

The Democratic party (with able assistance from biased mainstream media, see evidence here, here and here) has run a 24/7 negative campaign against Trump. The Dems pursue an ends-justifies-the-means approach to their campaign.  Any smear against Trump, no matter how baseless, is acceptable.  It goes beyond this into manufacturing false narratives against Trump– for example, casting Trump as someone whose words incite violence, they planted paid agitators at his rallies to provoke fights with Trump supporters— then when violence predictably ensued they blamed Trump for it, thus completing their false narrative.

The current Administration, including the FBI and The State Dept, seem willing to shield Hillary Clinton.  Clinton is inextricably linked to President Obama’s agenda/legacy. Bringing her down would apparently also implicate him, and would leave no one to carry on his legacy.  But the problems dogging Hillary Clinton regarding her use of a private email server are totally her own fault, no matter what comes of FBI Director Comey’s recent re-opening of the investigation.  Of course partisanship is part of Washington DC.  But when partisanship causes an FBI in possession of clear evidence of Hillary’s guilt to not recommend charges against her, something’s seriously wrong.  Many are seeing this as a travesty of justice.  And the many Wikileaks email revelations are not necessarily giving the public new information so much as confirming to them their suspicion of foul play and insider colluding when it comes to Hillary Clinton.  

So returning to Scott’s video, it seems his argument is that as God is in charge, and the message of the gospel and His kingdom supersede earthly politics, a non-vote doesn’t do harm. It is OK.  Yet the Bible teaches throughout that human choices have impactful and significant consequences, both eternally and in this life.  We reap what we sow.

A non-vote is the upcoming election in effect amounts to a choice to do nothing to counter the very real threat of a Clinton Presidency, that continues the negative trajectory we’re on.  Believers are concurrently citizens of two different worlds, and have responsibilities to each.  As citizens of the heavenly kingdom, our primarily allegiance is obedience to God. As US citizens, we are blessed with the wonderful opportunity to vote and influence public policy for the good and to protect against the bad.  To neglect that opportunity, with all that is at stake, seems to me a cop-out.  And in this election we have one candidate promising that where her agenda conflicts with traditional Christian values and beliefs, it is those beliefs which must accommodate themselves to the new “rights”.

Trump and Pence on the other hand, are standing up for various liberties that arise from being created in the image of God: the right of the unborn to be treated as persons with rights, including a right to life; the rights of Christians and people of faith to exercise religious conscience not just in the private sphere but in their businesses, public life and speech.  The right to bear arms, which Hillary pays lip service to but her policies do not really support.  If Christians can no longer openly live out their faith; if speaking the truth from a biblical perspective becomes outlawed “hate speech”–then we are hindered from being able to fulfill our primary mission of preaching the gospel.  These developments would be logical consequences of the policies of a Hillary Presidency. Trump’s policies, at the very least, treat religious liberty (the essential liberty than protects all other liberties as well) as the serious and important issue it is. 

Yes, this election presents us all with difficult and challenging choices, given the flaws of the major candidates and the lack of alternatives.  Sadly, countless voters may use that as an excuse to simply sit out the election.  Many more will not take the time to study the relevant issues and vote in accordance with their best knowledge.  But intelligent and thoughtful folks can and ought to do the hard work of studying the issues, sifting through the options, then voting intelligently and in accordance with conscience.  This is a high and noble privilege.

Thousands around the globe envy us this freedom of choice, this amazing chance we get to make our voices heard.   May we not squander it but use it wisely, while we still can.

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Filed under Election 2016

Donald J. Trump for President- A Few Articles and Social Media Links

donald-trump-for-president-2016-make-americaSince declaring his candidacy for President, Donald J. Trump has become well-known as a savvy promoter of his campaign through the media (television, radio, cable news, etc.). Because of this, over the months Trump has generated tons of free publicity for himself, though sometimes controversial and negative, yet he’s continually been in the news cycle. He’s also a quite the master on social media, where he is a dominant, far-reaching presence. Perhaps best known for his command of Twitter, Trump has generated currently over 33,000 Tweets and has 11.6 million followers.  And a Google search for Donald Trump currently yields 381,000,000 results!

If Google search results and social media presence are an indicator of a candidate’s popularity/momentum, things look good for Mr. Trump.  Hillary Clinton has a solid social media presence as well, but Trump clobbers her in # of Google search entries, and in number of Twitter and Facebook followers.  She does however have a LinkedIn presence, whereas he has none.

Interestingly, I wasn’t able to find via Google search a collected list of links to his various social media platforms.  So as a service to anyone who might be searching for this, please find below a handy list of links to Donald Trump’s social media presence on the web (specifically, these are mostly sites related to him as a candidate for President in 2016).

Oh, by the way, don’t forget to vote for Trump/Pence in November, and make America great again!  Here’s some of my posts on the upcoming election and issues at stake (I’ll be posting more soon):

Presidential Election 2016: What this Election is Really About

To the NeverTrumpers

The Tyranny of the Offended

It’s Not Islamophobia, It’s Common Sense

Give us a break, Hillary- Mishandling Classified Information isn’t just a “Mistake”

Hillary/Obama Logic vs. Real Logic


And here without further adieu, are the Donald J. Trump social media links: 

Make America Great Again! | Donald J Trump for President

Donald Trump Facebook Page

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump #TrumpPence16

Donald J. Trump for President YouTube Channel

realdonaldtrump Instagram Account

Donald Trump Wikipedia entry

Donald Trump Reddit Account

Donald Trump pins on Pinterest

Donald J. Trump Google+ Page

Diamond and Silk


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Filed under Election 2016, Social Media

It’s Not Islamophobia, It’s Common Sense

ahmad_rahami_2-large_transeo_i_u9apj8ruoebjoaht0k9u7hhrjvuo-zlengrumaToday, President Obama had these words to say about the recent attacks in New York and New Jersey and commented also on “fear.”

You know, at moments like this, I think it’s important to remember what terrorists and violent extremists are trying to do. They are trying to hurt innocent people but they also wanna inspire fear in all of us and disrupt the way we live to undermine our values. And so even as we have to be vigilant and aggressive both in preventing senseless acts of violence but also making sure that we find those who carry out such acts and bring them to justice, we all have a role to play as citizens in making sure that we don’t succumb to that fear…

By showing those who want to do us harm that they will never beat us, by showing the entire world that as Americans we do not and never will give in to fear, that’s going to be the MOST IMPORTANT ingredient in us defeating those who would carry out terrorist acts against us, Obama said.

Of course, our nation should bravely stand up to this enemy and not cower in fear… but is that what the President means when he speaks of not giving in to “fear”? It seems not. Judging from previous statements both he and his spokespeople have made, when the Administration speaks of “fear”in regard to Islamic terrorism they are talking about “fear of Muslims” (Islamophobia).  We should not give in to irrational fear of Muslims, he argues, because it is not all Muslims who commit these heinous acts, only the radical few. But virtually everyone on the left and the right already acknowledges this point. Everyone agrees that not all Muslims do these things.  This is a non-issue.

But they claim, this is about winning the battle for the “narrative.”  White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in an interview with Fox News, “ISIL is trying to assert a narrative, that they represent the religion of Islam in a war against the west and in a war against the United States. That is mythology. That is falsehood. That is not true. That is bankrupt ideology they are trying to wrap in the cloak of Islam. And to suggest that somehow we should treat Muslims differently or suspect them as terrorists just because of their religion.”

But Martha McCallum countered this well:

This is the ISIS narrative. This is what they said in their recent publication. ISIS states that disbelievers should be slain wherever they may be. This includes the businessman riding to work in the taxi cab, young adults in engaged in sports activities in park, the old men waiting in line and buying a sandwich, striking terror into the hearts of all non-believers, Muslims and non-Muslims is the Muslim duty. So what people have a hard time with you know—you have to take them at their word they mean to do what they say because we see it happening here in the United States. So, it feels sometimes like the White House doesn’t like to make the connection between those two things. Is that wrong?

McCallum is exactly correct.  The White House fails to draw the plain connection between ISIS’s ideology and its reprehensible acts of violence and terrorism across the globe. No one cares if this represents true Islam or not.  We only don’t want to see more people die at their hands.

Further, it is nothing but slander to claim Republicans and others who point to the obvious Islamic element in the attacks do so out of a some vendetta against the religion of Islam. It is not “fear” that motivates so many to view ISIS as a serious, growing threat (not “on the run”, not “failed”, but spreading), and to see it as a movement inspired by a particular Muslim ideology (not just people who lack jobs, or people paying back America for its supposed imperialism). It is is simply to open one’s eyes and see the obvious. We recognize the specific Islamic-element in the ISIS terrorist threat.  Thus it isn’t “Islamophobia” which drives proposals to adjust American border policy accordingly to prevent people with an evil ideology and murderous intentions from doing us harm. No, the border proposals of Donald Trump and others are not  Islamophobic, but common sense realism.

The President claims the MOST important ingredient in defeating these terrorist attacks is that Americans don’t succumb to “fear” (i.e., xenophobia or Islamophobia). But is that our most urgent priority in order to stop terrorism?  Of course not. The priority is not to look inward and decide whether or not we feel an “inappropriate” fear towards Muslims.  Rather, we must stop these attacks by gathering intelligence that strategically takes into account the plainly Islamic element in most of these incidents, not downplaying this element virtually every time such an attack takes place.  Of course there are some bigoted, Islamophobic Americans. But growing alarm over the widespread terrorism that originates from an ideological view overflowing with hatred towards Westerners, Americans and the “infidel” is not Islamophobic.  It is to understand the existential threat to our lives and to our way of life. This is simply about self-preservation.

This evidence-based approach to our priorities on terrorism and the border is followed by only one of the two chief candidates for President. Hillary Clinton sides with the President’s ideologically-based, making-fear-of-Muslims-the-priority approach. Accordingly, she thinks it no big deal to welcome into America thousands of refugees from Muslim populations, not taking into consideration that top security forces warn all these refugees cannot be properly vetted and that ISIS has pledged to infiltrate by this means. Donald Trump, on the other hand, acknowledges facts– the radical Islamic element in these ongoing attacks– and proposes “extreme vetting”and other measures to prevent ISIS infiltration– a strategy which of course is not racist, xenophobic or lacking in compassion, but practical and life-saving.  His compassion for Americans is expressed in the fact that he wants to enact policies to ensure Americans are kept safe.

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The Tyranny of the Offended

Bullet-proof windows, troll-proof doors in my safe space!
Hilarious…. (I must offer a disclaimer here– I do not endorse the show “South Park”, but I think their satire of the safe-space mentality in this video is true and therefore valuable. Also there is some crude language in the video, so please be warned).


While the “safe-space” folks rightly deserve this mockery, right now they are winning the “culture wars”. They get university presidents to resign, shut down Presidential candidate events, have conservative speakers pulled, and generally get folks to grovel before them and do their bidding.  We even have a candidate running for President of the US that operates in 100% in accordance with the safe space paradigm. That’s why she recently labeled millions as “deplorables”– “Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.”
This is what safe-space folks do– it is all about controlling the narrative,  controlling speech and ultimately, controlling everything by manipulating you. So they may be alone in their bullet-proof protected bubbles, but they are still calling the shots!
And it ceases being amusing when so-called “deplorables” lose their jobs, lose livelihoods and businesses, and even do jail-time, just because SAFE-SPACE people claim we offended them. It is here already and happening all around us.  States being punished and economically shunned by large companies or by musician-celebrities because they don’t want their bathrooms turned into danger zones due to misguided thinking. Christian business owners punished because they hold a traditional view of marriage and therefore don’t want to endorse gay marriage ceremonies through their speech and services.  24/7 allegations of racism, white privilege, white supremacy and various other hate crimes most of us are supposedly guilty of.  And denying it is futile because this just confirms your prejudice.
So it seems NOTHING one can say or do will ever change the minds of safe-spacers. Common sense is powerless to move them. The free speech and toleration they demand for themselves they deny to others, without any qualms, without self-awareness.
Remember, this is not an evidenced-based worldview but an ideology based on victimhood that demands total capitulation through emotional manipulation. It’s all about shaming and “guilt-ing” and thus making everyone grovel. You can’t give them facts, because they can neither see nor handle them.  Their song is, “we can face almost anything, but REALITY we can do without”.  Nevertheless in accordance with their narrative they demand retribution, reparations and total indulgence. And sadly and amazingly they are getting what they want, as universities coddle them and society as a whole caters to this progressive agenda and all its whims.
Welcome to the tyranny of the offended, my friends.
So what can be done?  Well in my view the safe-space way of thinking has infiltrated policy at the highest levels, because it informs the thinking of liberal ideologues such as President Obama and Hillary Clinton.  So an immediate priority is make certain Hillary Clinton does not get elected President to carry on this foolish and dangerous legacy!  She is a major cheerleader for the delusional mentality, and will accelerate its complete takeover in our government and law. Only Donald Trump successfully resisted these political correct, anti-common sense manipulations, and people love him for it.   Therefore, to stop this kind of nonsense and to prevent further tyranny, I urge people to unite behind Mr. Trump in the upcoming election.


Yes, Donald Trump is a flawed human being who makes mistakes and may not be right in all of his prescriptions.  He is not a pure conservative.  Yet he is still a candidate who shows plain common sense regarding such issues as our currently porous borders, our weak military, our wrong spending priorities.  For example, he knows that around the globe our enemies no longer respect us because they no longer fear us.
He understands that our enemies don’t have to like us (this is the safe-space mentality) but do need to know we will not be bullied and taken advantage of.
Can you imagine Donald Trump, following an attack that kills 4 of our people (Benghazi), making a video at taxpayer expense that apologizes for American free speech and distributing it across the Muslim world? Essentially, blaming ourselves for the act of terror?!  I cannot.

I do see him re-building our currently gutted military as promised, to demonstrate to our enemies that we will be a military force not to be trifled with, and who will use our strength wisely, as necessary.  Some may argue this is not compatible with Christian principles, but that is a debate for another day.

Of course the political remedy is only a stop-gap solution.  Ultimately, it is truth that sets people free (John 8:32).  Which in my mind means, unapologetically, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our chief problem is now, as it has always been, the sinfulness of the human heart, which no power can fix but the Lord.  We currently enjoy the freedom to deliver such a message openly, but that freedom is rapidly being stolen.  That is why the immediate fix of electing the right leaders is so important. So that we can lead “peaceful lives” and continue to exert influence in the marketplace of ideas.  I hope and pray that we as a people may arise to see the stark dangers before us, and that believers especially, would take action and would pray.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. (1 Tim 2:-6)
Some argue that Christians should not get involved in politics, that since the Lord is sovereign He will place into leadership those whom He chooses.  I agree that of course the Lord is sovereign, yet we are called to be “salt and light” in our world.  This I believe includes every aspect of life– not just a life of privatized faith, but a publicly lived out faith that includes but how we live, how we work, how we vote, etc.  There is no reason, especially in a country such as ours founded on principles of freedom to worship and to live in accordance with faith or no faith, that secular humanism should be allowed to dictate all law and policy.  We as salt stand for and live out truth, thus preserving that which is good in society, and  reflect God’s light by proclaiming the truth that points to the ultimate light, Jesus Christ.  May God grant that we can continue in this blessed freedom and that we may do our part to preserve it.


Filed under Election 2016, Political Issues, Pop theology

Presidential Election 2016: What this Election is Really About

l_148007_075532_updates“In the end, this isn’t really about Hillary Clinton. It’s about conservatism, and the fact that it’s resilient enough to survive a single election.”

Heather Wilhelm, National Review

Thus concluded the misguided piece in the National Review— a Hillary win wouldn’t be catastrophic for conservatism, because conservatism can always recoup and go on to win another day.  Are they really so sure?  If Hillary Clinton has another 4 to 8 years to shape the American landscape via the courts, building on the liberal progressive agenda/legacy of the current Administration, conservatism will be in a much more crippled position from which to mount any “comeback”, if it can at all.

Anyway, the election is not primarily about conservatism. It’s about America– the downward, leftist trajectory we’ve been on that many Americans didn’t see coming when they elected Barack Obama, but now recognize and want desperately to stop!

Anyway, the election is not about primarily about conservatism. It’s about America– the downward, leftist trajectory we’ve been on that many Americans didn’t see coming when they elected Barack Obama, but now recognize and want desperately to stop!

This election is about seeing our nation taken over by political correctness run amok, driven by leftist ideology that robs people of freedom of speech because it tolerates no other points of view. It’s about wanting to stay ALIVE and not be murdered by terrorists on our own soil, yet seeing our leadership consistently downplay the reality of Islamic terrorism.  They do so under the tortured logic that if we acknowledge the obvious- that the terrorism which threatens us and the globe is perpetrated by those operating under the Islamic banner– we will automatically spark massive Islamophobia, which will in turn radicalize moderate Muslims and make already radical Muslims terrorize us all the more. Therefore this Administration has for years followed the policy that making nice with such folks is the way to avoid war and avoid provoking more attacks.  It ain’t working. This kind of delusional thinking is what brought us the Iran deal– releasing billions and transferring millions in unmarked cash to a nation unswervingly dedicated to our destruction and sponsoring terrorism around the globe!  Could anyone have conceived just after 9/11 that on the eve of the 15th anniversary of that attack, which resulted in the deaths of over three thousand Americans, that a President of the US would consider it a great legacy to be releasing billions of dollars into the hands of the worlds #1 terrorism sponsor, Iran?  Or that there would follow hundreds more acts of Islamically-motivated terrorism around the globe, yet the worst sin possible would be to connect the dots between Islam and terrorism, because this is “Islamophobic”?  Again, this strange and dangerous thinking leads to risking American lives as we bring in thousands of un-vettable Islamic refugees– better this than being called Islamophobes!

Having elected a black President twice, and in the face of this insanity, Americans still have to put up with being constantly called racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic by folks who use these obviously false charges to manipulate, divide and conquer– in other words, as a cynical ploy for votes.  Hypocritically, Democrats denounce as fear-mongering that Republicans simply point out how deep and lousy is the crap-hole we’re in, yet they purposely incite fears in their constituents by misrepresenting the motivations of Donald Trump and his supporters.

So what is this election really about? The survival of conservatism? A lot more.  I believe this election will be a referendum on the past 8 years of division and anti-American sentiment sown by this Administration. It’s about survival. It’s about the desire to regain pride in one’s country; to not be ashamed to stand up and honor the American flag, stand for our national anthem, and honor our true heroes– those who put their lives on the line daily to keep us safe and free.  It’s about recognizing and being grateful for what an amazing, free, compassionate country we have.

What is this election really about?… It’s about survival.  It’s about the desire to regain pride in one’s country; to not be ashamed to stand up and honor the American flag, stand up for our national anthem, and honor our true heroes– those who put their lives on the line daily to keep us safe and free. It’s about recognizing and being grateful for what an amazing, free, compassionate country we have.

Why are millions of immigrants clamoring to come here? Because we offer great freedom and opportunity. But of course this freedom and opportunity didn’t just magically happen. It was built on a system of laws and government shaped by Western, Judeo-Christian values. And while our system is not perfect, the tremendous freedom and prosperity we have enjoyed arose from free market capitalism also tied to our Western system and values. Is it too much to ask that those who enter America to enjoy all our freedom and benefits obey our rules and honor our way of life?

But the nincompoops in charge are deliberately throwing away everything that made our system work, to replace it with failed liberal socialism. They seem to care not a whit about letting in folks who have no intention of assimilation, nor to consider the impact of taxing our already severely overburdened economy with millions who are not going to be paying their fair share if they come in illegally.  We are a nation of immigrants, they proclaim!  Yes, morons, but no one is against immigrants.

Their progressive goals are being pursued on many fronts, as they steadily push their ideology through media, academia, the education system, arts and entertainment.  But it ultimately is about controlling the laws and the courts.  In view of where our country is rapidly headed, stopping Hillary becomes paramount, and this isn’t primarily about whether conservatism remains viable. It is about the survival of our uniqueness as a country. Obama does not see this uniqueness. Neither do the Clintons. Trump sees it and that is why I believe he will win– because Americans see it and moreover, they believe in it.  Trump is not a savior and has personal flaws, but his vision of making America great again is one that resonates.  As for conservatism, if we lose America, our pure conservatism won’t be of much use.

Stopping Hillary becomes paramount, and this isn’t primarily about whether conservatism remains viable. It is about the survival of our uniqueness as a country. Obama does not see this uniqueness. Neither do the Clintons. Trump sees it and that is why I believe he will win– because Americans see it and moreover, they believe in it. Trump is not a savior and has personal flaws, but his vision of making America great again is one that resonates. As for conservatism, if we lose America, our pure conservatism won’t be of much use.

Let’s not let that happen.  Vote for the Trump/Pence ticket in 2016, to stop the progressive machine, and to restore a sense of pride in America.

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Filed under Election 2016, Political Issues

Give us a break, Hillary- Mishandling Classified Information isn’t just a “Mistake”

49014067.cachedThe Secretary of State is a senior official of the federal government of the United States of America heading the U.S. Department of State, principally concerned with foreign policy…

In the course of carrying out their duties a Secretary receives and send highly classified information, info that in the wrong hands can be used to harm American interests. For this reason the government has guidelines to protect this information that call for it to be transmitted via a government-secured system. Additionally, the State Department’s rules specify that personal records of a departing presidential appointee may NOT be removed from the government until/if the State Department approves and oversees this process by examining the emails.

Despite the dangers, and flouting these common-sense guidelines, Hillary Clinton decided to use a private email server and her own email account. The manner in which emails containing classified info was handled was both “extremely careless” and not “reasonable” (according to FBI Director James Comey’s thorough investigation. That he decided not to prosecute despite his finding is outrageous and smacks of crony bias towards Clinton). Clinton’s extremely poor judgment on these matters of national importance is surpassed only by the arrogance and deception she displays in defending her practices. She told the following lies about her emails, all of which have been confirmed by FBI Director Comey as untrue:

1. Nothing marked classified on emails sent/received
2. Did not email any classified material
3. Used just one device for convenience
4. All work-related emails returned to State Dept.
5. No work-related emails deleted from her personal account
6. Her lawyers read all emails individually

We do not need as Commander-in-Chief someone who still doesn’t understand that her “mistake” was not in using a single email account– but in setting up a private, unaccountable, unsecured  system and using it to transmit classified information, risking American national security in the process. We don’t need a Commander-in-Chief that tells lies so casually.  This was no little mistake.  For less well-connected people, it would be a crime.

#NeverHillary #TrumpPence16

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