Category Archives: Social Media

Donald J. Trump for President- A Few Articles and Social Media Links

donald-trump-for-president-2016-make-americaSince declaring his candidacy for President, Donald J. Trump has become well-known as a savvy promoter of his campaign through the media (television, radio, cable news, etc.). Because of this, over the months Trump has generated tons of free publicity for himself, though sometimes controversial and negative, yet he’s continually been in the news cycle. He’s also a quite the master on social media, where he is a dominant, far-reaching presence. Perhaps best known for his command of Twitter, Trump has generated currently over 33,000 Tweets and has 11.6 million followers.  And a Google search for Donald Trump currently yields 381,000,000 results!

If Google search results and social media presence are an indicator of a candidate’s popularity/momentum, things look good for Mr. Trump.  Hillary Clinton has a solid social media presence as well, but Trump clobbers her in # of Google search entries, and in number of Twitter and Facebook followers.  She does however have a LinkedIn presence, whereas he has none.

Interestingly, I wasn’t able to find via Google search a collected list of links to his various social media platforms.  So as a service to anyone who might be searching for this, please find below a handy list of links to Donald Trump’s social media presence on the web (specifically, these are mostly sites related to him as a candidate for President in 2016).

Oh, by the way, don’t forget to vote for Trump/Pence in November, and make America great again!  Here’s some of my posts on the upcoming election and issues at stake (I’ll be posting more soon):

Presidential Election 2016: What this Election is Really About

To the NeverTrumpers

The Tyranny of the Offended

It’s Not Islamophobia, It’s Common Sense

Give us a break, Hillary- Mishandling Classified Information isn’t just a “Mistake”

Hillary/Obama Logic vs. Real Logic


And here without further adieu, are the Donald J. Trump social media links: 

Make America Great Again! | Donald J Trump for President

Donald Trump Facebook Page

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump #TrumpPence16

Donald J. Trump for President YouTube Channel

realdonaldtrump Instagram Account

Donald Trump Wikipedia entry

Donald Trump Reddit Account

Donald Trump pins on Pinterest

Donald J. Trump Google+ Page

Diamond and Silk


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Filed under Election 2016, Social Media